Join leading international companies and institutions from across the geosciences industry by exhibiting at ICE 2025 in Rio. ICE offers unparalleled exposure to a global audience of decisionmakers, innovators and technical experts from 60+ countries.
We have a variety of options to help you meet objectives, from turnkey stand packages that keep planning simple, to floor space only options that provide the opportunity to build a custom stand.
Floor space only costs $500/m2 and is available for custom stands 27m2 or larger. The minimum floor space cost is $US 13,500.
Stand packages are sold in 9m2 increments and start at $US 5400 ($600/m2).
Stand packages include
- 2.5 m high white panels
- Logo plate with company name
- Lockable counter
- High bistro table with 3 high chairs
- Graphite colored carpet
- Electrical socket
- 4 spotlights
Graphics may be purchased separately from the local contractor. Check back for pricing for graphics and additional furnishings.
Stand package

Stand package with graphics added

All ICE Rio 2025 exhibitors receive
- One full conference and one exhibit-only registration per 9m2 in space contracted
- Early member discount provided for additional registrations added to stand contract
- Company name and profile in printed event program
- Company name on ICE website and exhibitor listing