Registration Information

ICE Rio 2025 Registration Pricing

Online registration opens in June 2025

See the following pricing information to plan your participation in the event.

  Registration Types On or before 30 August 11:59 EDT Starting 31 August 12:00 EDT
Full Event Registration Professional Member* $895 $995
Professional Non-Member $995 $1095
Academic**/Emeritus Member $395 $445
Student Member* $55 $75
Student Non-Member $75 $95
Includes: Access to all conference activities: plenary sessions, technical sessions, poster sessions, refreshment breaks, networking receptions, exhibition, program book and digital abstracts library.
One Day Registration Professional Member* $495 $595
Professional Non-Member $595 $695
Academic**/Emeritus Member $145 $195
Includes: Access to conference activities: plenary sessions, technical sessions, poster sessions, refreshment breaks, networking receptions and exhibition on the selected date. Access to program book and digital abstracts library.
Exhibition Only Registration Exhibition Only – Full conference $225
Exhibition Only – one day $95
Includes: Access to exhibition hall, refreshment breaks, and receptions. Does not include access to plenary sessions, technical sessions or poster session.
Non-Event Registration Registration for Short Course(s), Workshop(s) or Field Trip. $30 + Cost of the Ticketed Event
Includes: Access to the chosen activity for which you registered. Will not receive access to the conference program, to plenary or technical sessions or to the exhibition, poster session, networking receptions or coffee breaks.

* Member rates apply to AAPG and ABGP members in good standing

**Academic rate applies to professors or researchers on staff at an academic institution.

Individuals who choose academic or student rate may be asked to verify their affiliation to an academic institution.

Registration fee does not include travel, accommodation or any other additional activities including ticketed luncheons and pre-or post-conference field trips or short courses.

Group Registration Packages

Companies may purchase group registration packages guaranteeing the discounted member rates for all individuals regardless of their registration date or membership status.

Group registrations require a minimum of 10 registrations.

Purchase a package of 10 registrations for $8,950. Add additional registrations for $895 each.


For group registration questions and invoice requests contact [email protected].


Cancellations can be made by contacting ICE Registration on or before 9 September 2025 via email [email protected] .

Cancellation received on or before 9 September will receive a refund LESS a US $75 processing fee.

Refunds will not be issued after 9 September or for "no shows".

Participants may substitute one individual for another. For assistance with refunds or substitutions, please contact customer service at [email protected] .